Absolutely Adirondack"A Journey With Music Into The Spirit Of Our Mountains
Original Musical Compositions That Connect Local Adirondack History With New York State Curriculum
History and Folklore of Adirondack Logging
Do you know who the "Mayor of Cold River City" is? Here's a hint… Cold River City…Population 1. Enjoy songs inspired by the Adirondack Hermit-Noah John Rondeau.
What does the song "Thirteen Feet of Gold" refer to? The famous Adirondack Logging Industry has been prosperous to many…merciless to others.
What ever happened to George Reis's wooden race boat of Lake George?
"El Lagarto was a boat…Known as the Leapin' Lizard…"
To Order A Copy Of The CD
"Absolutely Adirondack"
Featuring Original Songs By Brian Chevalier
2.The Ruckus at Blue Mountain Lake
3.Mr. Game Protector
4.Noah John Suite
5.El Lagarto
6.Thirteen Feet of Gold
7.Somewhere East of Wevertown
To Order Your Copy Of This CD
Email to songspun@cs.com